Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Company & Old Memories

It's a very warm (80 degrees) afternoon and absolutely beautiful out. Today is Travis's birthday and we have some very precious friends visiting us from Grand Junction, Colorado. They're on their way east for a month long vacation and are spending 2 nights with us!

We've known Milana for years and are just meeting her "new to us" husband, Bob Deal, for the 1st time. What a wonderful, kind man! They have been working as counselors in a Drug Rehab place for quite a long time and it was so uplifting as they told us story after story of the people who have come through the program and remain clean and sober!

That takes me back years ago to 1973, when I joined Gospel Outreach (a Christian communal ministry) up in Anchorage, Alaska. I was so fascinated by the people that I met there--people who had suffered through the hippie/free love/drug era and who were touched by God! I was so hungry and thirsty to be a part of something meaningful, so I moved in.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll start at the beginning and spread these old memories out over several days! By the way, that's where I met our friend, Milana!

I graduated high school in 1972, moved to Anchorage to work for Anchorage Messenger Service and rented a downstairs bedroom from my boss, Betty Hicklin. She and her husband, Joe, took very good care of me and put up with all my homesickness, etc.

My job was so cool! This was before the age of computers, internet, email, etc. I owned a little red Vega (car) and drove from attorneys office to attorneys office, to the bank, to the court house, etc. delivering and retrieving papers, bank deposits, etc. It was a great experience!

To be continued....


Mrs. Sinta said...

I am looking forward to reading your story! Not many people will admit to being former Vega owners. Thanks for coming out of the closet.

juneaol said...

Hi, I enjoy reading your comments and so did Jaimee. I cannot write again for a bit until they unblock my blog but I will update it when it is opened up again.June