Friday, April 18, 2008

Onwards and Upwards

I'm involved in a very interesting sideline. I write letters for a Christian organization that receives request for help, literature, correspondence, etc. from people all over the world.

This org is based out of Colorado--so periodically throughout the year, I get packets of letters to answer. All gifts (used Christian books & Bibles, etc) are sent out from Colorado--I just write to the folks afterwards. Well, yesterday, I received a BOX (yes, a BOX) of letters to answer.

I have a database set up on my computer where I keep track of each person, when I last wrote, if I sent out a Bible study or a copy of some article that would bless them, etc. It's turned into quite an amazing "ministry", so to speak!

I can't imagine how much fun we'll have when we reach eternity. I picture Mrs. Dagumarti running up and saying, "Oh's me! Remember when we used to write back and forth??" And even though I never met her here on earth...I will know who she is!

As I organized all the letters alphabetically last night (which took a very long time) I thought about all the needs represented in that one box. And I began to think about Jesus. Did you ever see the movie, "Bruce Almighty"? All the prayers that were hurled skyward?

How can He possibly pay attention to each and everyone of us? Billions of people on earth with billions of needs and requests! There are people around the world who are enduring great suffering, even as I write! And yet, the Lord knows each and every one by name...knows their thoughts and desires, knows their needs and despair! Knows when they reject Him, knows when they love Him! Knows! And loves unconditionally! How does He do it?

So, over the next week, I'll begin to pick up each letter and read through it. My prayer is that I will be an encouragement and help---being sensitive to each need...Even when I have to tell the person, "No, I can't send you any money!"

What an opportunity we all have...reaching out to those that come across our paths--whether through a letter with a colorful stamp from another country, or our next door neighbor who needs to borrow a cup of sugar or an egg!

Onwards and upwards! (a quote by CS Lewis in his book, "The Last Battle")


Mrs. Sinta said...

I am hoping that there is not any fat in heaven, but then I wonder, will people recognize me?

mom2347 said...

hey Lucy, what organization do you do this for?? sounds interesting!