Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to Mother's Day

I have a little "revelation" that came to me at 3 am last night, when I couldn't sleep! And the no sleeping thing, is just menopause. That's another whole subject!

I was thinking about all my kids getting ahold of me yesterday. I realized that I was waiting to hear from each one of them and as they called...I "ticked" them off in my mind. Allen didn't call until about 9 pm and I had given up hearing from him. But, when I answered my phone and heard his voice say, "Happy Mother's Day", I felt complete!

Silly, huh? But, then I thought about God. He chose to make us in His doesn't it make sense that He longs to hear from us, too? And not on just a holiday, like Christmas or Easter! But often! He just wants to hear our voices. He wants to hear what happened to us that caused us to think of Him. (It doesn't matter if He already knows about it--He wants to hear our side!)

And so, as I crawled back into bed at 5 am (just long enough to catch the alarm at 5:30), I told God all about my revelation and thanked Him for Mother's Day and that my kids had contacted me! And my heart went out to the Lord, because I could picture Him waiting, waiting, waiting...

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