Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Small Fry Thrills

Our house is brimming with life! Jessica is here with us for an extended period of time this summer, along with Corban (7--almost 8) and Joshua (7 months). Our days begin with a bit of quiet time, then Corban comes in to snuggle in and watch a bit of the Disney channel. He LOVES a little program that teaches classical music terms, songs, etc. with the use of make-believe characters. A bit of Mozart, or Beethoven, etc, is a nice start to the mornings.

We look forward to seeing Joshua's smiling, happy face as well. He's been cutting 2 more teeth lately, so has not been his normal self.

But, we've so enjoyed watching his "discoveries". He's started to crawl, and pull himself up since he's been here! Do you have any idea how exciting it is to pull oneself up on the coffee table and dump out a big basket of shells? After the clattering noise is over, a few tears are shed, then it gets really exciting to plop down and start "tasting" all those funny-shaped things lying about. Well, until mom or grandma comes and takes them all away!

It makes more and more sense to me why Jesus loved little children so much! They have such an uninhibited ability to enjoy begin each new day with enthusiasm and excitement for what's ahead. Yesterday's hurts and misbehavioral problems are a thing of the past--everything is brand new!

Kisses and hugs are freely given and freely received! Great joy and curiousity are all wrapped up in each tiny experience. Joshua was absolutely fascinated last night when we hung up his new "Johnny Jump-up". He sat on the floor--starring up to the seat, then up, up, up to the clamp attached to the archway! The look on his face was priceless!

Corban turned my family room into a tattoo parlor. I have no idea where he came up with this idea, but I have a butterfly on my leg now...drawn on with a ballpoint pen and colored in with a "washable" magic marker. It's even framed with "To Gramma", "From Corban" printed on the top and the bottom.

He gave Grandpa an airplane tattoo and charged each one of us 5 cents for his artwork. We paid him a quarter...a 15 cent tip! Wahoo!

He's loving hearing "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" read to him. I happen to have about 4 of her books and he just loves all her magical cures for bad behavior!

We had a fascinating, exhilarating time blowing off fireworks on the 4th of July. Corban had the tremendous responsibility of lighting the big box called, "The Grand Finale". Oh my gosh! You can't believe how thrilling that was! We heard about the Grand Finale all evening and when it was finally time to put the punk to the would think that the 2nd Coming had arrived!

And to think that Jesus wants us to be like "little children". Are we excited about today?

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