Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Cow Prayer!

On to the topic of the day! Down the street from the airport is a lovely old house that sits on 10 acres. It has historic value, has been completely remodeled and was recently (last summer) purchased by a family from ????

I met the wife who came through looking for one of her cats--and she told me that they love horses. Indeed they do! They fenced off a corral, promptly brought in 2 horses and a pony! It appeared an idyllic setting. Then, they brought in a dairy cow...then, winter set in.

Now, the whole area is one churning sea of mud. The grass is gone (eaten or trampled), the little shed that was built for perhaps two animals has to house four, and for most of the winter--cow was locked into this tiny cubicle--never let out into the main corral for exercise.

Well, I decided that God loved the animals way more than I did. I'm not a farmer, so know little about taking care of large farm animals, but seeing cow locked away like that just didn't set well with me.

My mom came to visit and since she was raised on a dairy farm, she threw a fit! (I guess I was right...cow did need to be let out.) So, guess what? I started praying! Every morning and evening as I drove by, I asked the Lord to help the new owners to receive some kind of instruction about letting cow "out of prison". And yep! You guessed it! Cow has been released!

The horses and cow go in and out of the little shed at leisure! Cow wanders over to the fence and stares longingly into the huge field where lots of beef cattle are grazing. Once in awhile, a few of them amble over to say "hello", but at least she's out and moving again!

And, I realized that instead of just driving by and griping about the treatment I felt was unjust, I needed to "get off my high horse" and start praying about it. I didn't have a clue as to why that was happening...probably lack of what good was I doing by criticizing? The Lord loves His Creation and has put us here to be good stewards!

I call my mom once in awhile and say, "Guess what?! Cow is OUT!"