Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Cow Prayer!

On to the topic of the day! Down the street from the airport is a lovely old house that sits on 10 acres. It has historic value, has been completely remodeled and was recently (last summer) purchased by a family from ????

I met the wife who came through looking for one of her cats--and she told me that they love horses. Indeed they do! They fenced off a corral, promptly brought in 2 horses and a pony! It appeared an idyllic setting. Then, they brought in a dairy cow...then, winter set in.

Now, the whole area is one churning sea of mud. The grass is gone (eaten or trampled), the little shed that was built for perhaps two animals has to house four, and for most of the winter--cow was locked into this tiny cubicle--never let out into the main corral for exercise.

Well, I decided that God loved the animals way more than I did. I'm not a farmer, so know little about taking care of large farm animals, but seeing cow locked away like that just didn't set well with me.

My mom came to visit and since she was raised on a dairy farm, she threw a fit! (I guess I was right...cow did need to be let out.) So, guess what? I started praying! Every morning and evening as I drove by, I asked the Lord to help the new owners to receive some kind of instruction about letting cow "out of prison". And yep! You guessed it! Cow has been released!

The horses and cow go in and out of the little shed at leisure! Cow wanders over to the fence and stares longingly into the huge field where lots of beef cattle are grazing. Once in awhile, a few of them amble over to say "hello", but at least she's out and moving again!

And, I realized that instead of just driving by and griping about the treatment I felt was unjust, I needed to "get off my high horse" and start praying about it. I didn't have a clue as to why that was happening...probably lack of what good was I doing by criticizing? The Lord loves His Creation and has put us here to be good stewards!

I call my mom once in awhile and say, "Guess what?! Cow is OUT!"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

God's Treasures & My Bathroom

Good morning! I must carry on this theme of "treasures" while it's still fresh on my mind! Maybe if I write about will stick in my mind and heart!

We are ALL God's treasures! Does that mean that He loves what we do, what we think about, how we act--all of the time? I don't think so! Jesus would have not needed to come to earth if that were true! But, God really does look at each human being (no matter how broken, wicked, dirty, ugly, etc.) as His own personal jewel! How can He do that? Because His love knows no bounds!

The other night, we were watching Fox News and a little news flash popped up showing the most messed-up looking guy--the worst serial rapist (of children) that had ever been captured...yes, captured in Las Vegas. The first thing that popped into my mind was, "Look at him! He's My TREASURE!" And, I said (inside my head), "Yes, Lord, he is!" Period! Not...but look what he's done, look at the lives he's ruined, what about the children, what about their parents, what about, what about....Those "what about" questions came later in the evening as I mulled over what he represented and his horrible actions against humanity. And I'm convinced that he will go to prison and have to pay for his crimes in one way or another.

Last night, I met with a group of friends in Columbia at a Sushi restaurant to catch up with each other. One of them brought up the fact that her adopted daughter's real dad was named Billy ----. Coincidentally, 2 of my other friends had had direct dealings with this guy and he's not a blessing! In fact, he's a scum bag! Dirty (literally), mean, cruel, abusive, horrible to be around, etc., etc...and then? We started talking about God's treasures! And guess what? We came to the conclusion that he was one of those precious jewels in God's treasure house. But, did we automatically feel anything but repulsion? Nope, that was something that only God could do in our hearts! Any thoughts? I'll leave this theme for the moment--

My bathroom! Yahoo! I finally painted it! (I love color, in case I've never mentioned that). Our whole house was painted stark white when we moved in. I know, I know...all those pale colors are all the rage, but they don't speak to me! Color speaks to me!

I wanted a "camel" color for the bathroom, but this time I blew it! The color was way, way too pale for me! I painted on--because that's what I had to work with. At the end, I felt intense disappointment!

A brilliant thought popped into my a new shower curtain, bathrug, and a few "sea worthy" decorations that had color in them. I have a lot of shells and things from the sea on display in that little room.

So, I made a run to Hobby Lobby and Walmart (my budget couldn't afford more) and Wa-La! A small photos of lighthouses resides above the mirrow now, along with a string of wooden fish. A shower curtain that takes you on a walk down the beach fills the room and perwinkle blue rugs draw your eyes to COLOR!

Have a glorious day! Look for those bright, sparkling jewels around you and enjoy some "color", as you gaze upon God's Treasures! And, if you're struggling with a bout of spring fever--paint a bathroom!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mother Teresa

I have such good intentions...really I do! I intend to write something interesting and then I get busy and one day runs into another and pretty soon, it's been two or three weeks since I sat down to put my thoughts on this blog!

So, to mom, Travis and I have been on quite a journey lately. After the pastor of our church gave a talk on modern-day heroes, one of which was Mother Teresa, I bought a biography off of and we started reading it out-loud in the evenings. What an amazing story! She was quite a lady! I think what I've been most impressed with was her continual turning to God! She was not perfect--human just like the rest of us, but she remained true to her calling up until she passed away.

The other amazing thing was her real love for people. And, throughout the book, it was recorded again and again, that she had to talk to the Lord constantly to have HIS love in her heart. It was impossible for a human to carry their own love for people. We just don't have the capacity to do that! Even for those who are close to us...we get our feelings hurt, we judge others with a critical spirit, etc.

So, what does all of this mean? Hmmm...not sure! But, I've become more and more aware of how much I want to be in-tune with the One who has that love! And, as I run head on into all kinds of different people, I've been more aware of my inner motives. Sometimes, I don't feel one ounce of love--other times, I feel overwhelmed with love. But, God is ALWAYS full of love for everyone!

In the most recent "Discipleship Journal" magazine that I receive...there's a whole section about ministering to the poor and vulnerable. My mom and I have also been watching the made-for-TV series about "Christy"...the young girl who traveled up into the Appalachian Mountains right after the turn of the century to teach school in Cutter Gap--a place of great darkness.

And...another really cool thing happened to me in church the other evening. (We go on Saturday nights, as Travis has to open the airport on Sundays). There was a handicapped person sitting in front me (I won't tell you might make you feel uncomfortable) and for the very first time, I was able to see her weakness--but then look right past it to see HER! And to remember--she is God's Treasure! God loves HER! It doesn't matter about her looks, etc. It doesn't matter about her past or what's going on in her heart in the present, etc., etc. That's what God's love is all about!