Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Farm Fresh Veggies

Good morning! Have you ever heard of giving a farmer a lump sum of money before the growing season starts and then having a box of fresh veggies and fruits delivered once a week to a designated spot to be picked up by you?

Well, we're trying a new thing this spring! Since I have no time to put in an actual vegetable garden (I can barely stay on top of mowing the yard and weeding ONE flower bed), we're buying "boxes" from Sellmeyer's Farm here in Fulton, MO. I picked up our first box last night!

A big bunch of radishes, a lovely bunch of green onions, a bag of lettuce, chives, oregano, cilantro, 1/2 doz brown eggs, and a small loaf of applesauce bread. Since the growing season is just beginning, the box was a bit sparse--but it will be filling up more and more!

So, I made a lovely salad with sauted shrimp sprinkled on top for supper last night! And was it ever delicious!

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