Friday, May 30, 2008

The Land of the Midnight Sun

Good morning, my fellow readers! I looked back at my last post before starting this one and I can hardly believe that only 1 week has passed since I last wrote. It seems like months and months ago.

I left last Saturday for my trek to Alaska. Had a 5 hour layover in Minneapolis, so had a wonderful lunch with my sister-in-law, Sandy and my mother-in-law, Evelyn. We had time to catch up on things and also were able to sneak into a Border's Bookstore! Of course, I purchased a couple of "must reads"!

Sat between 2 interesting people on the plane flying north. One was a soldier (John) just returning from a 4 month stint in Iraq. He wanted to tell me all about his time over there (this was his 2nd tour), so that gave me some kind of idea what Crispin will be facing! Guess it's that time of year for dust storms...sounds incredibly awful! Dirt everywhere and pretty hard to escape. The one sad thing that I noticed about this young man was that he never mentioned a wife and 3 kids until right before we landed--then he slipped his wedding ring on. I thought, "Oh, this is way, way too sad!"

The other lady was busy making crocheted pot scrubbers out of strips of netting material. John leaned over and asked her if it wouldn't be less expensive or rather "less abrasive" on her hands to just buy them from Walmart! :-) I gave her a lesson on making "granny squares" and she told me that she traveled all over Alaska--out into the villages, etc., where she stepped into jobs at the medical clinics so that other nurses could take off on vacation. Her favorite place was Nome, Alaska! Really a neat lady.

Landed in Anchorage and my brother, Pete, was there to meet me, as well as a close family friend, Marilyn Anderson and her granddaughter, Rachel! It was such a wonderful welcome. My cousin, Nicky, was there to pick up our other cousins, Dave and Chris, along with their daughter Megan, who had flown in from California to see their new twin grandbabies! We had a very short--but sweet--family gathering! What are the chances of that happening?

Pete and I drove straight to the Mat-Su Regional Hospital outside of Wasilla, AK. Oh my gosh! What an amazing place! It's located right in the middle of the Matanuska Valley and faces the most amazing set of mountains! Pioneer Peak is right there....jagged peaks thrust up into the sky--still covered in snow! Fabulous, wonderful view!

We checked in with my dad and mom, then I drove their car and followed Pete on home to Talkeetna, where I spent the night at my folk's house. Alaska really is the land of the midnight sun...didn't get dark (well, sort of dark) until about 1:30 pm. People were out and about all over the place--"You've gotta make hay while the sun shines" really fits living in the north!

We almost lost my dad the day before yesterday. He's home now (Thank you, Lord) but it's just a matter of time. Sleeps about 98% of the still eating and drinking fairly well, but can't wake up for any length of time. We're just trying to keep him comfortable and enjoying what little time that we have left with him. I won't bore you with all the hospital/medical details, but life has spiraled down to breathing in and breathing out. His old dog, Jim Jim, lies beside the bed and nuzzles my dad's hand--hoping for a pat on the head. When my dad wakes up a bit, he scratches Jimmy's ears and tells him to, "Go get that old white dog"--who happens to live across the street.

We've all shed many tears and shared lots of hugs with so many, many friends and family members! My parents have an amazing legacy in Christ! They've been so tremendously hospitable to so many, many hurting people over the years!

One last thing before I close today! My poor mother fainted and fell in the hospital bathroom this past Sunday. I spent the afternoon with her in ER...but the conclusion was that she had been under such incredible stress, that when I arrived to help...she just collapsed. She has a wicked looking black eye and is so self-conscious about it. I told her to tell all the visitors that my dad decked her because she wouldn't travel out to mining camp with him this summer. (Of course, he'd never, ever dream of "decking" her and couldn't possibly travel to the mines even if he wanted to). We've all just laughed about it! And yes, I'm trying to take good care of her, too!

Thank you, my dear friends, for sharing this journey with me! It's such a comfort to know that you're out there--thinking of us all during this time.

Until next time....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Glorious Enthusiasm

One more thing....I just found this quote by John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914). "A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease."

That's my heart! I want to worship with glorious matter what the circumstances. Even when I must be silent--I want my songs to go on forever.

And so, as I get ready to travel tomorrow...this will be my steadfast thought and worship and never cease!

Start...then stop

Good afternoon! I've been trying to post a blog for several days now. I've gotten this far, then shut the whole thing down because I couldn't get my thoughts in order to even write.

Nothing has really changed--so this may be pretty random.

Of course, large spaces of my brain are filled with images of my dad. He's now in the Palmer Hospital. My mom drove him to the emergency room yesterday afternoon and he was admitted right away. He had suffered a mild heart attack within the past few days (not enough oxygen getting into his system), and has pneumonia in one lung. He was put on a breathing machine, pumped full of antibiotics for the pneumonia and settled down with a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

I spoke to him last night and his voice is very faint and "far-away" sounding. He tracked right along with our short conversation, which was good. My mom stayed with him in his hospital room and I'm sure they were a comfort to one another.

Tomorrow, I'm off to St. Louis to catch a plane flying north! My cousin and his wife "just happen" to be landing in Anchorage 2 minutes before me...coming in from California to visit their son, daughter-in-law and brand-new twin grandbabies. We're going to try to meet up with each other for a few minutes in the terminal. :-)

Travis couldn't fly yesterday, so I stayed home to do some urgent housework! I ironed for about 3 hours and got everything hung up in the closet, etc. Why iron? Years ago when I was young, we lived out on Cache Creek for the summers while my dad mined for gold. There was an elderly lady who lived on up the creek from us and one day we were visiting with her...talking about the hard work of washing clothes, trying to stay clean in such a dirty place, etc. She said, "There's no excuse for being dirty or sloppily dressed. Just because we live in a mining area doesn't give us an excuse to look like it!"

I remember my mom and I talked about her attitude on the way back to our camp and from then on, out came the ironing board after all the laundry had been washed and hung out to dry for the week.

Then, when Travis and I lived in Bolivia, it was the same once again. I didn't have a washing machine for about the first 5 years that we lived there. Sometimes, I did the wash by hand, but more often than not, we hired help! It's hard to keep up with 7 kids! :-) And, the ironing board was a constant companion. You might see poor people everywhere, but most of the time, their clothes were clean and ironed! No excuse to be dirty or sloppily dressed....

Now, don't get upset if you don't iron! Most people pull things from the dryer and hang them right up---I'm just stuck in a time warp between an Alaskan gold mine and Bolivia! Ha! Besides, I have a little VCR player that I watch movies on. Yesterday, I watched, "Sound of Music" and "Sweet Home Alabama". Both a couple of my favorites. So, you see...I wasn't really suffering at all! I just had an opportunity to go escape into the land of Austria and down-home Alabama!

Talk to you again from Alaska!

Monday, May 19, 2008

North to Alaska

Good afternoon! Did you ever see that silly movie starring John Wayne, "North to Alaska"? Well, I'm headed in that direction this coming Saturday! It's time for me to go home and help my parents.

My dad is now unable to go into the bathroom without someone helping him. My mom was shaving him this afternoon when I called. So, we have very little time left with him here on this earth!

Emotionally, I'm very up and down. One minute just fine, the next minute not fine at all. But, what a blessing to have the Lord in my life! I know that it's just a step "over Jordan" and he will be home with God! And then, his REAL life begins! How hard it is to say good-bye, though. Even when I know that it won't be long and we'll be there with him!

This is the prettiest time of year to be going to Alaska! I will definitely be blogging while I'm there! My brother has a computer and I will try to send some posts from that faraway place! It's the oddest thing. As soon as you board the plane (either out of Minneapolis or Seattle) something changes. You step into another culture--another kind of people! Landing in Anchorage is the best of all! Mountains on one side, the ocean on the other and planes of every description flying all over the place.

Inside the terminal, there are huge glassed-in displays of a polar bear, a Kodiak brown bear, etc, etc. And everyone wearing jeans--lots of beards and mustaches, long hair, etc. You catch whiffs of people that use wood for heat...there's nothing like the smell of wood smoke!

I'll never forget when a friend of mine, named Bob, came back from a trip to his cabin and brought me a blanket. It smelled like wood smoke and I refused to wash it! (It was clean to start out with...don't get me wrong) But, I just loved the smell! Silly, I know!

By the way, thank you for the prayers!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Present Circumstances

I can't get back to my "history" yet. There's been too many things going on in my life.

First of all, my youngest son, Crispin, is now in Iraq. I was very emotional at his deployment ceremony and felt equally weepy when it came time for him to go back to Texas after his 4-day leave here at home, but for some unknown reason, I'm not weepy now. Odd, isn't it? You would think that I would be feeling worse now that he's over there. But, now, the battle really begins, doesn't it? That battle that takes place through prayer.

Secondly, my 4th child, Joah, moved to Puerto Rico about 2 days after Crispin left Missouri--to take a flying job. This is a very good move for him, but he's lived at home for the past few years and I've gone "accostumed to his face"....(quote from "My Fair Lady"). Travis and I are official "empty nesters" and it feels both odd, but also very good.

And thirdly, my dad's health is slipping away at a very rapid rate. I've already talked about the "end of life" deal, but I also feel right on the edge of tears, a lot!

So, what is the point of this "post"? Just to tell you a bit about some close circumstances that I'm going through and to let you know that I'm determined to get back to "living communally".

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

End of Life

Good morning. Just a quick note to share some thoughts! First of all, my dad has suffered (for several years) with pulmonary fibrosis. It's a lot like emphysema! The original diagnosis, by a very cold and unfeeling doctor, was 2 years left of life and absolutely nothing could be done!

He and my mom found an alternative medicine doctor who is also a licensed medical doctor who has done a myriad of things to help him in this journey! He has recently began treatments with an acupuncturist with the hopes that the build-up of phlegm in his lungs will be diluted and discharged--making breathing easier.

He's always been such an active, independent man and now he's relegated (just in the past few months) to hobbling to the bathroom, or to the front door to let the dog in or out, and that's about it! He's on oxygen all the time and appears to be declining at an extremely rapid rate. He told me last night that he doesn't want to sit around feeling sorry for himself and has prayed that the Lord would help him think more of others!

I DON'T want to think that he's approaching the end of life--here on earth! I don't want to give up that parent/child relationship. Yes, I'm an adult and have raised a whole passel of kids myself. But, my dad is MY DAD! And yet, I know that there is a far, better place waiting for him. The Lord Himself is there and what could be better than that?

I'm just one tiny human being in this amazingly long chain of humanity that is facing the death of a parent. Millions have been before me and millions more will be after me, so why do I think that my suffering is any more important than anyone elses? It's not, but it's still very personal and I'm very thankful that I have the comfort of the Lord and the comfort of family and friends, as well!

I titled this blog, "End of Life", but it's not's just stepping over into eternity! I end this posting on a note of thankfulness! Thankful that I've had my dad for 83 years, thankful that he became a Christian and left a life of encroaching alcoholism behind, thankful that he has been faithful to follow in the ways of the Lord all these years! That's the legacy that I want to leave behind, too! Faithful....

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to Mother's Day

I have a little "revelation" that came to me at 3 am last night, when I couldn't sleep! And the no sleeping thing, is just menopause. That's another whole subject!

I was thinking about all my kids getting ahold of me yesterday. I realized that I was waiting to hear from each one of them and as they called...I "ticked" them off in my mind. Allen didn't call until about 9 pm and I had given up hearing from him. But, when I answered my phone and heard his voice say, "Happy Mother's Day", I felt complete!

Silly, huh? But, then I thought about God. He chose to make us in His doesn't it make sense that He longs to hear from us, too? And not on just a holiday, like Christmas or Easter! But often! He just wants to hear our voices. He wants to hear what happened to us that caused us to think of Him. (It doesn't matter if He already knows about it--He wants to hear our side!)

And so, as I crawled back into bed at 5 am (just long enough to catch the alarm at 5:30), I told God all about my revelation and thanked Him for Mother's Day and that my kids had contacted me! And my heart went out to the Lord, because I could picture Him waiting, waiting, waiting...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Why is Life so Hard sometimes?

OK...I'll try really hard not to be a big downer today! However, I'm feeling kind of low. I even went for a 2 mile walk with Travis, as I know that exercise will lift your spirits.

We had a good weekend! Sara and Erich came from Kansas City and spent Saturday night with us. Erich had never met Crispin before and really wanted to see him! And of course, Sara, being the little sister, has a great affection for her brother (even though they fought like cats and dogs when they were young).

Erich's mom Szu (Sue) came over for lunch after church on Sunday for the first time since Sara and Erich started dating several years ago. She was put right to work chopping tomatoes, onions and potatoes, as we were fixing "pique" a WONDERFUL Bolivian dish! It was lots of fun having her with us!

Crispin, very reluctantly, came with us out to the airport in the late afternoon, to be introduced to all of our friends who just happened to be barbequing. We didn't stay to eat, as Crispin doesn't do well with crowds of people. So, we went home and just the 3 of us watched a movie together. It was very nice--although the movie was a bit scary. "I am Legend" with Will Smith. The mutated humans leaping out of the dark were unnerving, so I had the comforter up around my shoulders so that I could dive under it at a moments notice! Naturally, Travis and Crispin scoffed at my "fears". "It's just a movie, mom!"

So, why am I feeling down? Just the politics of the City of Fulton vs the airport (us) is wearing on me! Also, the fact that 2 of my boys will be leaving for a year's duration...I know I shouldn't complain, and I'm trying not to! So many others have it much, much worse than I do!

Oh yes, we all talked to Jessica and saw Joshua on the web camera Saturday night. Crispin got a chance to chat with her too, so that was great! And he's so cute (the baby)! They're coming to the states the middle of July. We can hardly wait!

This helps to write...thanks for reading. I'll get back to my earlier "history lesson" within the next day 0r two. I just needed to "vent" for a moment!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hello my friends! A quick interruption in the "history lesson" of my life!

By the end of next week, I will have 3 children living over seas. You know about Jessica, Gary, and kids in Dubai, but Crispin (27) will be sent to Iraq on May 7th, and Joah will be moving to Puerto Rico on May 8th to start a new flying job! Just the thought of it makes me want to cry! They will all be so far, far away now!

Travis and I have been reading a book called, "Psalm 91--God's Shield of Protection" by Peggy Joyce Ruth. Very wonderful, encouraging book! Lots and lots of testimonies about the protection of God in times of danger and distress. My hope is to have it finished so that I can send it with Crispin.

He's coming home tomorrow afternoon for 4 days leave before heading out! I'll try very hard not to smoother him. He's never, ever liked crowds of people and to think that he was born into a big family! :-) So, I'll give him space to read, rest, and relax--but will be enjoying having him home for this short duration!

Other news...our other son, Isaac, his wife, Jeni and granddaughter Brylin have moved to Suffolk, Virginia. Yep! Their new house was only 3 miles from where that huge tornado whipped through. They had just arrived that day and were in the house--but had no idea the destruction that was taking place not very far away. They did say that it was raining "cats and dogs"--so to speak! Isaac will be returning to the Coast Guard base in Louisiana, then heading back for the birth of their baby at the end of May. I think they'll all be together by the end of June, as he transfers officially at that time.

Allen will be traveling to Alabamba the middle of May to meet his "birth family". His sister, Sarah, is graduating from college and the whole family will be there. So, that should be quite an experience for him!

Oh, how amazing life is! You just never know what's around the corner, do you? We really are on a great adventure!

Back to the "history lesson" later on!